In the movie Limitless, Bradley Cooper takes a little pill that gives him amazing clarity and the ability to do things he could never do before. He instantly becomes hooked. He came face to face with a version of himself he never knew existed, and he really liked it.
What do you think the version of yourself that God sees looks like?
You may need to take a break from reading this blog to think about that...
So, what does the version of yourself that God sees look like?
Have you imagined your potential? The divine design. The creativity that lies within you.
How about those things that you may be responsible for fulfilling; things that only you can fulfill.
I've aspired to be a writer for so many years. Blah blah blah. My husband's been hearing my would-be writer musings forever. So here is what has recently liberated me. I don't have to try to be a writer. I just have to get with the Creator. I don't want that to sound trivial, as if it's my ticket to writer extraordinaire status.
It's a paradigm shift. If I've desired to be a writer for this long then it's probably a divine desire that was put there by the One who designed me. And perhaps I've been shirking my responsibility all this time, using lame excuses, mostly centered around my own insecurities and temporary shortsightedness.
I have to continually be yielded to the Source of all creativity, so that His ideas may flow through me to reach those that He intended to be reached by the things that I pen. It is all intended to bring Him glory.
I'm grateful for those around me that pull me closer to what God has for me. One of those people is author Karen Kingsbury. I had the privilege of meeting her in 2010. I asked her one question and was stunned by her answer. I wanted to know how long it took her to write a book. She told me anywhere from 48 hours to 3 weeks. W-O-W.
I love how she explains her amazing gift on the FAQ section of her website ( She tells of how God drops the ideas in her head and from there she has the responsibility of writing it down. What an amazing partnership.
See, I believe God has such purposes for all of us. In your field of work, in your tasks as a homemaker, in your schoolwork, wherever it is that God has you.
He can deposit in you all that you need, including creativity for the tasks that you face.
There is such FULLNESS in Jesus Christ... "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself..." Colossians 1:19
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